Glory Days NE CIC is a business with community built into its core activities. The founding member (Vicky Evans) is passionate about developing community connections on small and not so small scale.

Working in partnership

  • Are you seeking well-being, enjoyable outdoor activities? Do you have a desire to explore the natural beauty of the North East of England. Contact us for more information or share your ideas for new adventures and we can have a conversation.
  • Are you offering social prescribing for your clients and customers? Glory Days can provide access to social gatherings, foraging walks and creative activities at an affordable cost
  • Glory Days collaborate with corporate clients to offer bespoke team-building and wellness programs for employees.
  • Are you a local charity? Glory Days can support individuals to access events. Contact me directly to find out more about how individuals on low income can access the events.

Vicky Evans

Vicky along with 3 other directors founded Glory Days NE CIC in December 2023. The overarching purpose of this community interest company is to offer events and activities that improve quality of life for those who take part. The focus is on mindfulness and positive mental health for all in our well-being community.

Community is key to what we do and whether that is a micro group of cold water swimmers or a larger gathering of families in the local neighborhood Vicky is keen to make and sustain connections between people.

“One of the most enjoyable sessions I have participated in was jam making at the community center. There was a great deal of laughter and conversation that went into each of the jars of preserved blackcurrant jam.”